Friday, November 20, 2015


Based upon the true story of the Boston Globe staff pursuing the depths of the public denial of the catholic church heirarchy, who were keeping the rampant child abuse by many of its priests out of the public eye.  It took a tremendous amount of stamina, pursuit, courage and doggedness to keep after this intricate and elusive web.  The best cast of the year with Mark Ruffalo in the spotlight with his persistent perseverance.  This outstanding film should earn major awards at the Oscars.

Monday, November 2, 2015

*Big Screen /Small Screen*

Truth is a great film about journalism but an even better one about politics.  Kate Blanchett and Robert Redford hit peaks in this astounding film.  Oscar nods for sure.
The Diplomat gives us insights into the mechanics of diplomacy in recent years that you'd just never find elsewhere.  Wow!  HBO TV hits another out of the park in this extraordinary documentary made by the son, David, of Richard Holbrook, one of the most respected diplomats ever.  Watch it and see if anyone stands out to be the next president.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pawn Sacrifice

Based upon Bobby Fischer, a world champion chess player, who took on the great Russian chess master, Boris Spassky, this docudrama is captivating as we watch the brilliant and crazed Fischer rise to the heights.  We know he craves to be and is horrified by "being the best".  Tobey Maguire goes the distance here, with Liev Schreiver.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Best of Enemies

William Buckley and Gore Vidal in their prime.  Coming from opposite sides of the political spectrum, they are always intellectual and articulate, to the max, how refreshing!  They are so quick witted and very funny.  Another extraordinary documentary not to miss!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Marlon Brando

Listen to Me Marlon is an especially good documentary about one of our greatest all-time actors.   Lots of insight as we hear Marlon in his own words, never before publicly heard, as he recorded himself.  And we see clips of most of his films, including, of course, his two Academy Awards for On the Waterfront and Godfather I.   What a thoughtful, fascinating and amusing guy.  All serious movie goers need to see this.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Nina Simone

The best movie I've seen lately is, not surprisingly, on the small screen, streamed on Netflix, What Happened, Miss Simone?  This compelling biography lays it out.  One of the great singers of her time, who strove in her younger years to become a classical pianist, was in her prime during the civil rights battles of the 60s.  She became an activist and wrote gripping songs, especially Mississippi Goddamn.  She was extremely moved by the horrific acts done to the black population. Her emotional words were justfiably vitriolic.  Anyone interested in music, history, civil rights or human emotions is bound to feel enriched and rewarded by seeing this movie about an astounding artist and activist.

Monday, April 20, 2015

2 Gems Not To Miss

The Salt of the Earth is a documentary about the extraordinary Brazilian photographer, Sebastiao Salgado. The persistence of vision and the surprising twist at the end of the film make this a must-see.  Woman in Gold is another film with notable persistent and determined characteristics.  It concerns a woman, played by Helen Mirren, who has the drive to see that justice is done in regard to the return of art stolen by the Nazis.  She hires a lawyer, Ryan Reynolds, who has the same kind of doggedness. Together they make an forminable team, but can they prevail in a case that is 70 years old?  This is an expecially positive portrayal of an attorney. Something I appreciate but don't see often.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Gett: The Trail of Viviane Amsalem

You'll likely get upset when you first realize what's happening here, you won't like almost everyone in this movie.  You'll probably be angry and upset when it ends.  But my guess is most of you will like it.  Check it out.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Oscar Nominations

Top 4
No top 10 this year.  No other films made it to this level.  The first 2 are getting all getting all kinds of attention and rightfully so, but Calvary and Locke ignored!  Outrageous!

Other very good films of particular note
A Most Violent Year
Third Person
Glen Campbell...I'll Be Me
Le Week End

Most astounding and unnominated acting performances
Brendan Gleeson in Calvary
Tom Hardy in Locke

Best scene
Emma Stone rakes her father, Michael Keaton, to pieces in Birdman, and he seems to feel better.
It's not him, this time, berating himself.

Best cast